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Michelle Norwood Living

Featured Posts, Wellness

5 Strategies to Prioritize Your Mental Health and Well-being

Photographer: Mo Davis

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time when we come together to raise awareness of mental health issues and improve the lives of those affected with effective strategies to prioritize your mental health and well-being.

Mental health is something that should be taken seriously, especially in a world of rampant toxic positivity. We are constantly being bombarded with messages that tell us to stay positive and look on the bright side of things, even during difficult times. Myself as a person that always wants to see the glass as half full, its easy to fall into the trap of toxic positivity even when I fell like I am struggling internally. 

But how are we really doing? How are we coping with the stress and challenges that life throws our way?

For me, navigating toxic positivity has been particularly challenging. Covid has turned the world upside down, I have experienced great loss, and have been navigating the difficult emotions that come with grief. On top of that, the would is in turmoil. I fell like we are living in the “Lot and the Rapture”  leaving me feeling unsafe and unsure of what the future holds.

In times like these, it can be easy to fall into the trap of toxic positivity. I often feel pressure to put on a brave face and pretend that everything is fine, even when it’s not. But suppressing our emotions can be detrimental to our mental health in the long run.

That’s why it’s so important to prioritize our mental health and well-being. It’s okay to not feel okay, and it’s important to give ourselves permission to feel our emotions, even if they are uncomfortable or difficult. We need to create a supportive space where we can discuss our struggles and seek help when needed.

Lord knows no amount of epsom salt and bubble baths in the world can solve all of my problems, so I’ve found other strategies that work for me. Here are my top five strategies to prioritize my mental health that go beyond self-care and taking a bubble bath.

  1. Prioritize Myself: This has been instrumental in managing my stress levels and improving my overall well-being. As women in general we often give so much of ourselves to other. I make sure to pour all the love and attention into myself that I do into other. One thing I have learned from flying is I have to put my mask on first before I can help other. If I have nothing inside of me, how can I give anything to others. I am mindful that I am in charge of my own life and destiny.
  2. Manage stress: Stress is a common trigger for mental health issues, so it’s important to find ways to manage stress in my life. I avoid stressful situations at all cost. If managing my stress is staying home then that is what I do. 
  3. Be kind to myself: It’s easy to be hard on myself. I have milestones that I want to achieve in my lifetime. And while somedays I feel like my life is not where I want it to be, I have to be kind to myself and know that I will get there. Practicing self-compassion is an extremely important part of my mental health wellness. 
  4. Be grateful: I have been extremely blessed and while I having bad days I don’t want to forget that. Gratitude has been shown to have a positive effect on my mental health. I take time to reflect on the things I am grateful for in my life, and practice gratitude on a daily basis. 
  5. Stay connected: Don’t be afraid to reach out. Social support is an important factor in my mental health wellness. But social support from he right people. My circle is small but tight nit. I surround myself with people who hold me accountable when I am right and wrong. They keep me grounded. I choose to stay connected with friends and family that are honest with me and I can be vulnerable with. And I fell comfortable reaching out if I am in need of a shoulder to cry on or a ear to listen. Talking through my feelings and emotions with supportive people has been a game-changer for me.

Remember to prioritize yourself, manage stress, be kind to yourself, practice gratitude and stay connected. 

If all else fails, remember that seeking help for mental health issues is not a weakness. Asking for assistance takes courage and is crucial for self-care. Many resources like hotlines, support groups, and online counseling services are available for those struggling. By utilizing these strategies, we can promote mental health wellness and create a brighter future.

Mental health is crucial, particularly in a world that promotes toxic positivity and discourages vulnerability. It’s alright to struggle, and we must prioritize mental health and seek support when necessary. By practicing self-care, finding support, and recognizing the value of seeking help, we can enhance our mental health and well-being for a more fulfilling life.

Beautiful black woman with long hair smiling with her hand on her hip. Wearing a white blazers, black top and green pants.
Michelle Norwood:
Editor In Chief
Michelle Norwood Living
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